As the second wave of Coronavirus is sweeping across our country, it has left many perplexed. With more than 6.5 crore people vaccinated and the new normal of masks and sanitizers, why does the pandemic seem to be taking a U-turn?
I recently saw a news about a doctor lamenting, “I treated thousands of patients with Covid 19 for the last several months and never caught the infection. But within days of taking the vaccine, I became positive.”
How come? Is vaccine reducing the immunity? That’s absurd.
Well, we have a behavioural bias to explain the phenomenon and it’s called the Peltzman Effect. But before I get into that, here’s an interesting trivia —
Statistics reveal that even though skydiving equipment has made huge leaps forward for improving reliability, the fatality rate has stayed roughly constant when adjusted for the increasing number of participants.
Think about that for a minute and see if you can come up with an explanation.
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