Before we get started on the discussion today, I would like to invite you to have an intellectual and emotional experience. Take a few seconds and just look at the picture below.

What do you see? You’d probably see a woman who is looking away from you. You’d also notice that she’s wearing a necklace. She also seems to have high cheekbones, long eyelashes and a petite nose. Alright, now I ask you to take your eyes off her and focus on the second picture below –

What do you see now? Another woman? How old would you say she is? What does she look like? What is she wearing? In what kind of roles do you see her?
You probably would describe this woman as beautiful as the first one. You might guess that she’s about 25 years old, very lovely, rather fashionable and with a demure presence. If you were a single man you might even like to ask her out.
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