A wise man once said “I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, luckier I get.”
I am sure you’ve heard of this saying a number of times in the past. It’s usually quoted by those who belong to the meritocratic school of thought which says, “If you’re good, you don’t need luck.”
If you’re successful it’s a natural human tendency to assume the credit for your success. After all you must have worked hard for it and you surely deserve it. But when I think of my life, I have seen and met many individuals who always worked harder and yet they sadly remain unsuccessful.
Goes with saying that I have also met those who achieved great heights with significantly less effort. These are the people who manage to attract much more than their fair share of luck. Usually we look down on such people with disdain. It’s assumed that any success founded on element of luck is inherently undeserving.
Do you know someone who always manages to find himself in the right place at the right time? Before you label him as lucky, ask yourself – do you think his luck is out of pure randomness? May be he has a knack for reaching to the right place at the right time.
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